Sunday, April 22, 2012

What Plant-Based Nutrition is all about?

Many of you have asked and wondering what plant-based diet are & its benefits. In this blog, I will explain little more on plant-based diet comparing to other vegan/vegetarian diets.

What is Plant based diet?
It's a way of eating based on foods that come from plants and avoiding animal products and highly processed foods.

Some of you asks about what is Vegan? Vegetarians? What is different from plant-based diet?

Vegan is an herbivore, or plant eater, who lives solely on plant products and excludes all animal flesh, including that of poultry and fish, as well as any product made by an animal, such as milk and all other dairy products, eggs, gelatin, and honey. Most vegans typically don't wear clothing or other items made with animal products (such as fur, silk, wool, feathers, or pearls.)

  • A vegetarian doesn't eat animal flesh but may consume other animal-based foods like eggs and dairy.  There are several vegetarians.

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat dairy (lacto) and eggs (ovo).

  • Lacto-vegetarians eat dairy but not eggs.

  • Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but not dairy.

  • Flexitarians eat mostly plant-based foods but occasionally eat meat, poultry, or fish, too.

  • Semi-vegetarians exclude some meat (usually red meat) but still consume limited amounts of poultry, fish, and/or seafood.

There are several health benefits of a plant-based diet.  There are disease prevention and reversal, weight management, decreased cholesterol levels and improved performance.

Great pictures to learn how to eat plant-based diet/vegan diet. If you need help or learn how to make vegan meal plans, converting into plant-based diet, etc... please feel free to contact me and I'll help you!!

Fruits, Grains, Legumes, and Vegetables chart

The Vegan Food Pyramid

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