Monday, April 16, 2012

Superfoods in Shakeology


I want to go over some of the ingredients that are in each serving of SHAKEOLOGY.  This is only some of the powerful superfoods in Shakeology. Before I go into that I want to go over what SHAKEOLOGY can do for you. SHAKEOLOGY can help you lose weight, reduce cravings, increase energy and stamina, promote health digestion and regularity. By replacing SHAKEOLOGY with one meal along with regular exercising and eating 5-6 small meals a day it can help lower cholesterol by 30% to 70% and help reduce bad cholesterol by an average 38%. The shakes can reduce cardiovascular risk by 24% on average, lowers oxidant damage caused by free radicals on the average of 45%, which can also help decrease the risk for developing heart disease, dementia, and arthritis.

Since we now have a better understanding of what SHAKEOLOGY can do for your health and body, let’s dig deeper and find out what the ingredients in SHAKEOLOGY are exactly and why they can help you live a longer and fuller life. All of these products were researched and found by a scientist named Darin Olien. Darin is on a mission to find the most nutritional foods and he will travel the world for the richest and healthiest ingredient!

Short video on Darin Olien on "Where Do the Shakeology Ingredients Come From?  

These are just some of the life changing ingredients in SHAKEOLOGY.

CHLORELLA and SPIRULINA- Did you know these superfoods can actually reverse cancers? Both of these super-foods have been clinically shown to demonstrate stunning preventive and curative properties when it comes to all sorts of cancers. They both rebuild nerve and damage in the brain and nervous system. That’s why they have been used for recovery of patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

That is just a taste of what these superfoods really offer. These foods are packed with healing properties that if pharmaceutical companies would patent them and sell them as drugs, would cost $100 a gram and be front page news all over the world Their ability to halt cancers would be heralded as a “medical breakthrough” and doctors everywhere would be urged to prescribe these substances to every one of their patients. It would be nothing less than a blockbuster, multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical achievement.

***But, it isn’t a drug, it isn’t manufactured in a drug lab, and it doesn’t cost $100 a gram. In fact, it cost around 11 cents a gram and nature makes it free. – Mike Adams a holistic health investigative journalist.

Camu-Camu powder- Comes from the rain forest. This has the highest amount of vitamin C in any plant. Camu-Camu is energizing, mood lifting, and strengthens the immune system.
Pomegranate powder- This antioxidant can be helpful in treating diabetes, dementia, cancer, and menopausal problems.

Bilberry powder- An antibacterial and anti-flamatory. This fruit has shown to improve vision and symptoms associated with diabetes.

Blueberry powder- This fruit is very high in fiber and nutrients and have been proven to lower blood pressure, protect against stress. It’s also helped to get rid of abdominal fat.

Lycium (Goji) powder- These berries contain 18 amino acids. Goji is used to treat hepatitis B, heart and blood pressure conditions, used as a memory enhancer, and used for treatment for breast and cervical cancer.

Acai powder- A powerful anti-oxidant that is used for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart disease, and cancer prevention.

Cordyceps- A type of fungus that have beneficial properties for bone marrow and kidneys. While increasing stamina it protects against free radicals and restores energy.

Maitake powder- A mushroom that has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to enhance the immune system, regulate blood pressure, glucose, insulin, and both serum and liver lipids, and may also be useful for weight loss.

Reishi powder Reishi is a mushroom used in traditional Chinese medicine, protecting the liver, as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer treatments.

Citrus bioflavonoids Extracted from fruits, bioflavonoids are widely used in Europe to treat diseases of the blood vessels and lymph system.

Rose Hips powder Rich in vitamin C, rosehips are commonly used for reduction in asthma symptoms and allergies.

Schisandra powder (berry) An Asian vine believed to be beneficial to those suffering from hepatitis, and seems to work well as a stimulator for the central nervous system, increasing brain efficiency, improved reflexes, and an accelerated rate of endurance.

Suma powder (root) An indigenous plant to South America, the root has been studied for its ability to increase stamina and endurance and reduce fatigue.

Gingko powder (leaf) The oldest living species of plant on earth. Gingko has been used in Chinese medicine to stimulate the blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the brain, reducing lethargy, improving memory and giving an improved sense of well-being.

Maca powder (root) A nutrition-packed root vegetable from the mountain plateaus of the Peruvian Andes that is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals – known to increase energy, stamina and endurance, support the immune system and adrenal function, reduce chronic fatigue, regulate and support the endocrine system, and even treat menopausal symptoms.

Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) meal With an average of 48 to 49 percent omega-3s, Sacha Inchi is an excellent vegetarian source of fatty acids contains high amounts of protein and can assist the body’s formation of nerve tissues, eye tissues and cell membranes. It may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and help regulate blood pressure and support normal function of the immune system.

Yacon powder Grown in the Andes of Peru, Yacon helps to regulate sugar blood levels.

Flax (seed) meal Flax is high in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, omega 3, fiber, and our best source of lignans which may promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer. In addition, lignans may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.

Chia meal- Chia is a muscle builder and a good source of amino acid and omega 3′s.

Hydrilla This plant from Asia, Europe and Africa is hailed for providing increased energy levels, improved immunity, improved digestion, reduced body fat, increased mental clarity, decreased appetite, improved joint, hair, skin and nail health, and an overall increased sense of well-being.

Apple pectin powder Apple pectin is a water-soluble fiber, helpful in removing cholesterol out of the intestines and delaying glucose absorption.

Astragalus powder (root) Used in traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed to strengthen debilitated patients and increase resistance to disease in general and boost immunity.

Blue green algae May boost immunity, prevent cancer, heart disease, aid weight loss, improve memory, detox the body and fight malnutrition.

Spinach powder Spinach has been used for years to help relieve anemic problems due to its high iron and chlorophyll content.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) Supports healthy connective tissues like tendons, ligaments, and muscle. Thus, it is important in conditions such as arthritis, muscle pains, bursitis, etc.

Pea fiber May help to improve cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol. Fiber is credited with helping to lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and may thus help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Quinoa (sprouted) Quinoa is a complete protein, containing all the eight essential amino acids and an excellent source of potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium (Nature’s medicine for people suffering from Migraines), iron and B vitamins. Excellent for the heart and since they are an insoluble fiber, it helps in gallstone prevention.

Ashwagandha powder (root) Has rejuvenated properties commonly used in Ayurveda for stress-induced fatigue, nervous exhaustion and general debility.

Barley grass Barley grass is hailed as “the healthiest of the healthy green grasses”, acting as a free radical scavenger and known to reduce inflammation and pain.

Kamut grass Ancient Egyptian wheat known for its low gluten levels and contains more protein and minerals than common wheat or other cereal grass.

Oat grass– Contains beta-carotene, vitamins K and C, folic acid, calcium, iron, protein, fiber and B vitamins.

Wheat grass- Wheat grass by itself is not very palpable; however, it contains P4D1, a “gluco-protein” that acts like an antioxidant, reducing inflammation. It is also thought to be able to help the body attack cancer cells. This grass has high levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, enzymes, chlorophyll and mucopolysaccharides, and is known to be highly alkalizing to the body, aiding detoxification.

Amaranth This ancient grain is very high in iron and protein. Additionally, Amaranth has three times the calcium of milk.

Grape seed extract- Surprisingly, grape seed extract may be better for you than the grapes from which it is derived. Vast arrays of health-giving ingredients are in these tiny seeds. Protein, lipids, carbohydrates and polyphenols help the body fight viruses, allergens, and carcinogens. A phenol you might be particularly interested in is procyanidin. Procyanidins bond with collagen. Collagen is a key component of skin, gums, bones, teeth, hair and body tissues.

Green tea decaffeinated extract Green tea has important antioxidants and compounds. Studies reveal an impact on heart disease and cancer which are promising. The antioxidants, called catechins, scavenge for free radicals that can damage DNA.

Holy basil powder Holy basil powder contains vitamin C, carpteme, calcium and phosphorus which help the skin stay healthy and supple by protecting it from environmental toxins. It contributes to the health of the throat chest and lungs and protects the respiratory tract and has been used as an anti-inflammatory.

Sweetened with Stevia Native to subtropical/tropical South America and Central America, stevia sweetens whatever it is added to without adding calories. Research shows a regulating effect on the pancreas and has been used to help stabilize blood sugar levels, therefore useful to people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. It may lower elevated blood pressure, aids in digestion, reduces gas and stomach acidity. It has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay.

***Not only does it contain these superfoods but it also is:
  • Gluten free and caffeine free 
  • No refined sugars and artificial sweeteners 
  • Provides health supporting Chlorophyss, Polyphenols, Prebiotics, and Proanthocyanins.

***Oh Yeah, it’s only 140 calories!!!!***



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