Saturday, April 14, 2012

Healthy Snacks

Some people struggles with eating healthy snacks while trying to lose weight or maintaining weight by eating clean and exercise. They would ask me, "What snacks should I eat?", "Is this good to eat?", "Is this healthy snack?", & many different types of questions.

Some healthy snacks you could eat:

  • Shakeology
  • protein shake
  • almond butter on banana 
  • almond butter on apple slices
  • oatmeal chew
  • fruit pop-tart
  • any seeds and nuts
  • hummus wrap 
  • hummus with vegetables
  • rice cake with any spreads (almond butter, fruit spreads)
  • trail mix
  • dried fruits
  • granola bars
  • protein bars
  • sweet potato fries
  • bananas dip in coconut yogurt & freeze
  • kale chips
  • fruits/vegetables smoothies
  • crackers with fruits & raw vegetables
  • carrot & crackers with hummus
  • cereal with milk
  • roasted chickpeas
  • fried bananas
  • baked apple with sprinkle of cinnamon
  • banana pudding
  • baked stuffed apples
  • frozen chocolate banana treats
  • crispy rice bars
  • raw date power bars
  • fruit bowl with oat-nut topping
  • fruits & nuts

There are plenty of good healthy snacks.


  1. How to make fruit/vegetable smoothie? Froze fruit with milk?

    1. fresh fruits or vegetables then I froze them.

      I usually have my kale, spinach, strawberry, blueberries with little milk.. mine varies with fruit/vegetable smoothies, you make your own preference, your own tastes to your consistency.

      I get some ideas from my Vitamix recipe book to make some. I can list some ideas of fruit/vegetable smoothies on next blog or few.
