Friday, May 18, 2012

Struggle with Time? Make the change, start NOW!

CLICK the LINK below to watch my VLOG 

"Struggle with Time? Make the Change, start NOW!!"

Transcript below on my vlog on "Struggle with Time? Make the Change, start NOW!"

Hi Hi Hi!!

I want to share something with you that really touch my heart…  I really love what I do.
I get several emails, text messages, Facebook messages, wall posts, etc.

Thank you for supporting & believing in me, keep accountable, many different messages, including questions.  One questions pops as it’s very common.  Basically everyone asks me the same question.  What is it?


Some of you asked me… how can you make the time for it?  My response – “I do NOT have time HOWEVER I make the time for it.”  WHY?  My health is more important to me, to stay consistent, be strong, be happy, feels good inside.  You need to make the time for it!
Everyone struggles with making time for themselves, of course, I struggled with that too.


Time is NOW!  If you haven’t started, start NOW!  Don’t wait until tomorrow.  Don’t wait until next week.  Next month.  Next year.  Especially you don’t want to wait until you hit ROCK BOTTOM!


Dramatic mentally and physically struggles.  It can be from family death, emergency illness, family illness, job laid off, depression, family member heart attack, your heart attack, or anything…

DON’T WAIT!!  DO IT NOW!!  Start, take action on taking care of yourself, take care of your body, and get yourself healthy.  If you are a mom, or a dad, you would want to be the role model, the best examples to your own kids.  Same with me, I want my 4 kids to look up to their mom, mom being active, involved, healthy, eating clean, exercises daily… they look up to me.  Same with you.  We are no difference.  Same with everyone.

You need to make the time for YOURSELF!

You make the time for yourself to change, feel healthy & good, lose weight, and get in a better shape of your life.  It’s not 30 days, not 60 days, not 90 days transformation.  It’s a LIFE-CHANGING TRANSFORMATION.  You will go through your life journey, mentally, physically and spiritually… you will go through a lot of challenges.  You need to change your life for better, for yourself, for your kids, family…

If you are thinking right now…
·         I love FOOD!
·         I love DRINKING!
·         I am too LAZY!  I do not feel like it.
·         I am too BUSY!
·         I don’t have TIME!
·         I am too TIRED!
·         I am so SORE!

Let me tell you…. you are willing to risk your life over these reasons, for unhealthy lifestyle????

DON’T!!  Make the change NOW!

I discover the 6 major, important keys through your life-changing journey – it applies for me, too.
1.    DECIDE – you need to decide why I am doing this, when start date of my journey
2.    MY WHY – why are you doing your journey, losing weight, exercising, reasons to keep you motivated & driven to reach your goals
3.    GOALS – to set discipline yourself; for example I want to lose 30lbs in 3 months. Aim and make the goals! Push and discipline yourself to reach your goals, I will achieve losing 30 lbs., stay on track, keep yourself accountable and be consistent.
4.    DISCIPLINE – you need to have the right mindset, discipline yourself through your journey, through challenges, patience.  You always will have ups and downs through your journey.
5.    PATIENCE – this is the most common we all struggle with.  You need to know this is not overnight changes, not get-quick changes; it’ll be 3 months, 6 months, 9 months changes and for rest of your life journey.  It takes TIME!  You will feel GOOD!  Your health will IMPROVE!
6.    BELIEVE – you have to believe in yourself.  You know you will achieve your goals, your dreams.  Believe in yourself 100%.  Patience is the most important key to keep you consistent & motivated. 

If you need help, anything, questions, need accountability, need positive encouragements, or how to start exercises/workouts, contact me.  I’d be happy to help you.  I’m here to help you get healthy.  My important priority is to get everyone healthy and reasons why I love what I do!

Have a GOOD day!

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